About Me

I'm a mum with 3 children - Chelsea, Morris and Ruby. I live on our family farm with my husband Stuart. I follow a number of blogs with wonderful pictures, witty stories and generally talented operators.... mine is none of the above! My blog is just a way for us to send updates to family and friends of our everyday life. Amanda xx

Thursday, 2 February 2012


Having dinner in Bremer we had a salad in a rather large bowl, over much indepth discussion we came to the conclusion that it can't possibly be a salad bowl as its too large,  further indepth discussion took place over what the correct usage of the bowl is. 

The best educated answer we could come up with is that maybe its just a really big jelly mould!  So.... why wouldn't you try and make a huge jelly mould?  What else is there to do on holidays?

So.... now its set how do we get it out?


Wobbly Wobbly Jelly

The frenzy begins!