About Me

I'm a mum with 3 children - Chelsea, Morris and Ruby. I live on our family farm with my husband Stuart. I follow a number of blogs with wonderful pictures, witty stories and generally talented operators.... mine is none of the above! My blog is just a way for us to send updates to family and friends of our everyday life. Amanda xx

Friday 7 August 2015


Nearly forgot the dance concert!!  How could I forget the annual dance concert!



Christmas time! best time of the year!!  Elf in the Shelf came to our house this year, kids LOVED it, very funny and lots of fun.  We just had Christmas at home this year, very relaxing not having to drive anywhere, missed having family around but it was still a great day.

Honestly though - I think they build up to Christmas is the best bit!! With all the bad in the world I think why wouldn't you keep Christmas alive for the kids!


These are in the Toodyay Christmas Shop!! I LOVE it there, I think that would be my dream job!!

School Christmas Concert - yes Morris is wearing a wedding dress...

Christmas Day 2014



So this is the pork crackle....  it was my birthday I had an excuse!

Thursday 6 August 2015


Here are the annual family photos and pics of the Tammin Christmas Tree which was a very eventful night that ended in a big storm!!  Luckily Santa had already been by then..